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These levels use either one-to-one object manipulation, portal surfing, or scaling cubes.

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The subject matter of this article does not take place in the "real" Half-Life and Portal universe and is considered non-canon. About Combine OverWiki Disclaimers. SK Jun 17, 2: This collection is highly recommended for all Hydra owners. You are trapped in castle Wolfenstein in WW2.

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Challenges the player in cube throwing and manipulating, all while forcing the player to keep aware of their footing and surroundings Unlike One to One, this works at any distance. A collection of 25 items created by.

It is only visible to you. It's a motion controller made by Razer and Sixense. You can help clean up this page by correcting spelling and grammar, removing factual errors and rewriting sections to sixennse they are clear and concise, and moving some elements when appropriate.

Danny Woodall [4] Chip Sbrogna [5].

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Cube Throwing Skills Test You'll find the full list here. Retrieved from " https: Single-playermultiplayer co-op. May 27, 5: Dragging portals also allows the player to move themselves or objects across a room while suspended in an Excursion Funnel.

Escape From Wolfenstein, level 2 Difficulty: All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. The maps before them in the list require the controller for either manipulating a cube far away, or for moving portals around.

Requires the Razer Hydra to play This is a test chamber to see if Sixence works it's technically possible to cheat it, but it was just a test Hangar, with actual DooM level and textures. Welcome to the Cube Throwing Club! Simple start - Sixense Only. This ability allows the player to move their portals after placing them.

Sign In Create an Account Cancel. Nuclear Plant, with actual DooM level and textures. The spreading of Mobility Gels can also be controlled with much greater ease. It's impossible to know how the Hydra really feels until it's in our hands, but a series of demo videos on the Razer site gives us an idea of the movements needed to perform in-game actions.

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Requres a Razer Hydra to play. Something to start on. Here, in Earth 42, we all find life very boring.

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